Today's Regulatory Mix: USDA Announces Funding for Oklahoma Broadband, FCC Eliminates Three Legacy TRS Rules, FCC Issues Ruling On Inmate Calling Service (ICS) Rates
USDA Announces Funding for Oklahoma Broadband
The USDA announced it is investing more than $29 million to provide broadband service in unserved and underserved rural areas in Oklahoma. Specifically:
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ICS Rates,
USDA Broadband Grant,
Oklahoma Broadband,
TRS Rules,
Inmate Calling Service Rates
Today's Regulatory Mix: FCC Finalizes Agenda for August Meeting, USDA Announces Funding for Maryland Broadband
FCC Finalizes Agenda for August Meeting
The FCC announced the final agenda for its August 6, 2020 Open Meeting. It includes the following items:
- Inmate Calling Services – A Report and Order on Remand and a Fourth Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would respond to remands by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and propose to comprehensively reform rates and charges for the inmate calling services within the Commission’s jurisdiction.
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FCC Technology Transition,
USDA Broadband Grant,
Maryland Broadband Funding
Today's Regulatory Mix: FCC Announces First Completed CAF II Project, FCC Hospital Robocall Protection Group Named, USDA Announces Funding for Mississippi Broadband
FCC Announces First Completed CAF II Project
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai issued the following statement regarding Bloosurf, LLC, the first broadband provider to have its Connect America Fund Phase II auction buildout validated as complete by the Universal Service Administrative Company:
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USDA Broadband Grant,
Hospital Robocall Protection Group,
Funding for MIssissippi Broadband,
CAF II Project
Today's Regulatory Mix: USDA Announces $28 Million Broadband Investment in Virginia, FCC Proposes over $200 Million in Fines for Wireless Location Data Violations, FCC Proposes Bidding Procedures for Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Auction, FCC Seeks Comment on Cable Operator Recordkeeping Rules
USDA Announces $28 Million Broadband Investment in Virginia
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development State Director for Virginia Beth Green announced USDA has invested $28 million in high-speed broadband infrastructure for more than 17,000 rural households in Virginia.
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U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee,
USDA Broadband Grant,
Virginia Broadband,
Cable Operator Recordkeeping Rules,
Wireless Location Data Violations,
Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Auction
Today's Regulatory Mix: USDA Announces South Carolina and Nevada Broadband Grants, California Attorney General Urges Congress Not to Preempt CCPA
USDA Announces South Carolina and Nevada Broadband Grants
The USDA announced two new broadband investments. The first is a $9.1 million investment in high-speed broadband infrastructure that will create or improve e-Connectivity for 6,251 homes in rural Kershaw County, South Carolina. The second is a $2.3 million investment in a high-speed broadband infrastructure project that will create or improve rural e-Connectivity for 273 households, seven farms, seven businesses and a critical community facility in eastern Nevada.
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California Consumer Privacy Act,
South Carolina Broadband Grant,
USDA Broadband Grant,
Nevada Broadband Grant
Today's Regulatory Mix: California Announces New Online Comment Portal for the Public, USDA Announces Georgia Broadband Grant, FCC February Open Meeting Agenda
California Announces New Online Comment Portal for the Public
The PUC issues a press release announcing that the public can now submit comments on CPUC matters electronically, as well as review the comments of others. Importantly, the PUC noted that the new format is only for public comments on proceedings.
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Public Safety,
Rural Digital Opportunity Fund,
USDA Broadband Grant,
FCC February Open Meeting ,
Flexible Use of the C-band,
C-band Auction Bidding,
TV White Spaces,
Georgia Broadband,
California Online Comment Portal
Today's Regulatory Mix: USDA Announces Utah Broadband Grant, US House RESILIENT Networks Act, US House Hearing on Emergency Communications Solutions
USDA Announces Utah Broadband Grant
The USDA announced a $23.6 million investment in high-speed broadband infrastructure in Utah. This investment will build an all-fiber network that will serve more than 3,000 farms, businesses and homes spread over more than 400 square miles in rural Duchesne and Uintah counties.
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US House Energy and Commerce Committee,
Communications and Technology Subcommittee,
USDA Broadband Grant,
Utah Broadband,
RESILIENT Networks Act
USDA Broadband Grants in Arkansas and West Virginia
In West Virginia the USDA’s West Virginia State Director Kris Warner announced USDA has invested $18.7 million in a high-speed broadband infrastructure project that will create or improve rural e-Connectivity for more than 6,300 rural households and an estimated 383 farms in Harrison, Doddridge, Lewis, Barbour and Upshur counties in West Virginia.
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FCC Consumer Advisory Committee,
USDA Broadband Grant,
Cellular Vehicle to Everything,
USDA Investing over $83 Million in Broadband Grants in Three States: Alabama, Illinois, South Carolina
In Illinois, the USDA announced it has invested $12.8 million in high-speed broadband infrastructure that will create or improve e-Connectivity for more than 1,650 homes in rural Illinois.
“We know that rural communities need robust, modern infrastructure to thrive, and that includes having access to broadband e-Connectivity,” Secretary Bill Northey said.
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USDA Broadband Grant,
California Communications Grid
USDA Announces Broadband Grant in North Carolina
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced it has invested $23.7 million in high-speed broadband infrastructure that will create or improve rural e-Connectivity for nearly 8,750 rural households in North Carolina.
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USDA Broadband Grant,
511 Traveler Help,
Colorado 511,
Broadband Grant in North Carolina